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Give your kids a blockbuster summer – all at a beginner’s level – with Minnesota State Parks and Trails I Can! programs. An I Can Camp! overnight program gets you out camping with the kids. The kids will discover the kind of amazing views only seen from a canoe during an I Can Paddle! program. And there’s nothing quite like catching your first fish at an I Can Fish! program. Learn more about the I Can! programs at www.dnr.state.mn.us/state_parks/ican/ .

Locating a Specific Activity

Enter the Activity Name or Catalog ID to quickly narrow down your search results.

If you know the Catalog ID of the specific activity you would like to view, type it in the search text to display the activity.

Finding Multiple Activities

You can also search for more than one activity if you separate your text with commas.

For example, searching for '9834.401, Basketball' will return results for a Catalog ID of '9834.401' As well as activities containing the word 'Basketball' .